Sustainable Analytics® framework

A collaboration framework resulting in the engineering of lasting analytic solutions, using viable techniques, that drive data driven decisions.


Ethically maximise
the value of data

Driving initiatives around collective responsibility for data quality along with enriching data assets by allowing interoperability and data linkage.


Design analytics
with a purpose

Co-designing analytics and visualisations to address a problem statement with the problem owner to drive a specific data driven action and in turn improving data literacy.


Utilise fit for purpose approaches

Utilising fit for purpose analytic approaches that align with the use case, data & infrastructure maturity.


Invest in R&D
and data sharing

Driving R&D by sharing data ethically with appropriate controls and data sharing policies without compromising privacy and security, specifically developing a sandbox populated with test data & unique organisational problem statements to support both internal and external innovators and researchers.


Develop a benefits case and measure value

Investment decisions made on the back of a robust benefits case with continued measurement of impact and course correction where required.


Grow internal

Develop a sustainable workforce, that are data
literate and capable of using and maintaining
analytic solutions, by investing in internal capability building.